Healthcare Terminology

To attain efficiency as an IT guy in healthcare domain , knowledge of  Healthcare terminologies is a must. Here are some most commonly used terminologies:

INN Provider: INN Provider stands for In Network Provider which commonly known as Network Provider. A Network Provider is a provider who has signed an agreement with the insurance company to participate as a member of the company's providers' network.

Inpatient: An inpatient patient means a patient who is admitted to a Hospital, Hospice or Skilled Nursing Facility, assigned to a bed for health care and for whom a room and board charge is incurred. The patient will occupy a bed for at least one night in the course of treatment, examination, or observation .

OON Provider: OON Provider stands for Out of Network provider which is commonly known as Non-Network Provider. A Non-Network Provider is a provider who is not a member of the network of an insurance company.

Outpatient: An outpatient patient means a patient who is not admitted as an Inpatient, but receives Health Care. In other words, a patient who is not hospitalized overnight but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment.


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