Sunday, November 20, 2016

Facets Claims Processing application group

The beauty of facets is that it covers all aspects of claims processing. The Claims Processing application group consists of those applications that enables health care payer organizations  to record, process, track and run inquiries on dental, hospital and medical claims. This application group has more than 20 applications, some of which are as follows:

1) Claims Inquiry
2) Dental Claims Processing
3) Disability Claims Inquiry
4) Disability Claims Processing
5) Encounter Hospital Processing
6) Encounter Medical Processing
7) External Claims Editing
8) FSA Claims Processing
9) Hospital Claims Pre-Pricing
10) Hospital Claims Processing
11) Medical Claims Pre-Pricing
12) Medical Claims Processing


  1. Wonderful illustrated information. i thank you to give this information about that. not any doubt This will be very helpful regarding MY future projects. Would just like to be able to view additional posts about the same subject!
    medical claims processing

  2. The dental billing can help you to get all your claims and nowadays, are availing their service because it's more convenient to them especially for those working and have a busy schedule.

  3. Good info....I have one question in claim processing...If line items on claim got deleted or I m not able to see line items..what can be done
